How Much Is My Mobile Home Worth? Strategies for Accurate Valuation

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Do you own a mobile home and want to know its worth? Whether you’re looking to sell, refinance, or just curious about the value of your home for insurance purposes, understanding the market value of your mobile home is important.

In this comprehensive guide, we will help you determine the worth of your mobile home step-by-step. We’ll cover factors that affect mobile home value, how to assess the condition of your home, and provide you with all the resources you need to gain an accurate valuation.

So, if you are asking yourself, “how much is my mobile home worth?” read on!

Factors That Determine Mobile Home Value

When it comes to assessing the value of a mobile home, several factors come into play. In order to get an accurate estimate, it’s important to consider the following:

  • The age of the mobile home: As the mobile home gets older, its value tends to decrease. For example, a 25-year-old mobile home may have a lower value than a 10-year-old mobile home.
  • The size of the mobile home: The size of the mobile home is another important factor in determining its value. Generally, larger mobile homes tend to have a higher value than smaller ones.
  • The condition of the mobile home: The condition of the mobile home, including any upgrades or repairs, can have a significant impact on its value. A well-maintained mobile home is likely to have a higher value than one that is in poor condition.
  • The location of the mobile home: The location of the mobile home can also affect its value, as it determines the demand for mobile homes in the area. A mobile home in a desirable location is likely to have a higher value than one in a less desirable area.
  • The specific features of the mobile home: Certain features, such as energy-efficient appliances or a new roof, can increase the value of a mobile home. On the other hand, outdated features or those in need of repair may decrease its value.
Examples of mobile home values based on year and size
Year Size Average Value
1996 16×80 $20,000 – $25,000
1980 N/A Depends on condition and location
1997 16×80 $20,000 – $25,000
25 year old mobile home N/A Depends on condition and location

As you can see, the value of a mobile home can vary widely based on a variety of factors. By taking these factors into account and using resources like mobile home value estimators, you can get an accurate estimate of your mobile home’s worth.

Determining the Age and Size of Your Mobile Home

size mobile home

When determining the market value of your mobile home, age and size are two crucial factors to consider. Here are some steps you can follow to accurately determine the age and size of your mobile home:

Determining the Age of Your Mobile Home

The age of your mobile home is a significant factor in determining its value. To determine the age of your home:

  1. Locate the data plate of your mobile home. This data plate can be found inside a closet, on the electrical box, or in a kitchen cabinet.
  2. Look for the HUD code on the data plate. The HUD code will contain a serial number that will help you determine the year your mobile home was built.
  3. Refer to the HUD code and cross-check it with the manufactured date. The manufactured date will be listed on the data plate and will indicate the exact month and year your manufactured home was built.

For example, if the HUD code on the data plate is “PFS1287039,” the manufactured date would be November 1996 for a 1996 single-wide mobile home value and November 1997 for a 1997 double-wide mobile home value.

Calculating the Size of Your Mobile Home

The size of your mobile home is another significant factor in determining its value. To accurately calculate the size of your mobile home, measure the length and width of the interior of your home.

Size Dimensions (In Feet)
Single-Wide Up to 18 x 80
Double-Wide Up to 32 x 80

Once you have determined the dimensions, multiply the length by the width to calculate the square footage. For example, if your home measures 16 feet wide and 80 feet long, the square footage would be 1,280 square feet.

By accurately determining the age and size of your mobile home, you can better calculate its market value and make informed decisions about buying, selling, refinancing, or insuring your home.

Assessing the Condition of Your Mobile Home

The value of your mobile home is greatly influenced by its overall condition. Factors that may impact its worth include its appearance, structural integrity, and any upgrades/repairs that have been made. In this section, we will provide you with tips on how to assess the condition of your mobile home, and methods to accurately determine its value.

Mobile Home Assessment


The appearance of your mobile home is an essential consideration when determining its value. This encompasses both the interior and exterior of the home. Consider the following factors:

  • Is the exterior free of dents, scratches, or other damages?
  • How well-maintained is the lawn and landscaping?
  • Are there any visible signs of wear and tear on the interior walls or flooring?
  • Are the appliances in good working condition?

Structural Integrity

The structural integrity of your mobile home is another major factor in its value. Evaluating the structure should include:

  • Assessing the roofing system for any leaks or visible damages.
  • Checking the underfloor insulation and ductwork for signs of damage or wear and tear.
  • Inspecting the foundation for stability and any visible damages.

Upgrades and Repairs

Upgrades and repairs made to your mobile home can add value to it. Consider the following:

  • How recently have upgrades such as new appliances or a renovated kitchen been implemented?
  • Have any major repairs been made to the roofing, plumbing, or electrical systems within the last year?
  • Are there any safety or health hazards that have been corrected?
Condition Description Value Impact
Excellent May increase the value by up to 10%
Good May increase the value by up to 5%
Fair No impact on the value
Poor May decrease the value by up to 10%

Overall, it is important to recognize that there are several factors that play a role in determining the value of your mobile home. By evaluating the appearance, structural integrity, and any upgrades or repairs, you can accurately determine the condition of your mobile home and, ultimately, its value.

The location of your mobile home and the current market trends in your area are significant factors that can determine its value. To accurately assess the value of your mobile home, you must take into account the location and its proximity to amenities such as schools, parks, and shopping centers. Mobile homes located in desirable areas tend to have a higher value than those that are not.

location mobile home

You can research current market trends to further understand its value. Researching comparable sales can help you get a better understanding of the market value of your mobile home.

Mobile Home Value Estimators

In addition to researching comparable sales, you can utilize mobile home value estimators to calculate the worth of your mobile home accurately. These online tools consider various factors when assessing the value of your mobile home, including its location and market trends. By providing details about your mobile home, such as its age, size, and condition, these tools can generate an accurate estimate of its value.

Obtaining a Professional Appraisal

If you’re looking to sell your mobile home or refinance it, obtaining a professional appraisal may be a good option for an accurate assessment of its value. An appraiser can give you an unbiased report on the current market value of your mobile home, taking into account important factors such as location, age, and condition.

Table: Comparing Mobile Home Values by Location

Location Average Value of 1985 Mobile Home
Rural Area $10,000-$20,000
City Suburb $20,000-$30,000
Urban Area $30,000-$40,000

The table above shows the average value of a 1985 mobile home based on location. As you can see, the location plays a significant role in determining the value of a mobile home.

In conclusion, understanding the location of your mobile home and the current market trends in your area is crucial to determine its value accurately. You can use mobile home value estimators and obtain professional appraisals to get a more precise estimate of its worth. By researching comparable sales and considering the location, size, age, and condition of your mobile home, you can make informed decisions when it comes to buying, selling, or refinancing your mobile home.

Utilizing Mobile Home Value Estimators

Valuing a mobile home can be a daunting task, but there are tools available that can make the process easier. Mobile home value estimators are one such tool that can assist you in determining the worth of your mobile home. These estimators use up-to-date market data to provide you with accurate estimates of your mobile home’s current value.

There are several mobile home value estimators available, both free and paid. The most reliable ones are typically paid, but free estimators can still provide valuable insights. When looking for a value estimator, consider those that are specific to mobile homes, as they will be tailored to the unique characteristics and features of these structures.

When using a mobile home value estimator, it is important to input accurate information about your mobile home. This includes its age, size, location, and condition, as well as any upgrades or features it may have. By providing as much detail as possible, you can ensure that your estimate is as accurate as possible.

Keep in mind that mobile home value estimators are just that – estimators. They are not a substitute for a professional assessment, and you should still consider consulting with an expert to get a more accurate valuation. However, they can provide a helpful starting point for determining the worth of your mobile home.

Understanding the Value of Different Mobile Home Models

The value of a mobile home model can be affected by a variety of factors such as its make, model, and features. In this section, we will explore the value of specific mobile home models from different years and provide insights into their worth.

Different Mobile Home Models

1973 Mobile Home Value

Mobile homes from 1973 typically have a lower value due to their age and lack of modern features. However, some models from this year may hold value due to their unique features or popularity among collectors. To accurately determine the value of a 1973 mobile home model, research recent sales of similar models and consider the overall condition of the home.

1990 Mobile Home Value

Mobile homes from 1990 may have more value than older models due to the addition of modern features and technology. Homes from this year may have double-pane windows, better insulation, and upgraded heating and cooling systems. To determine the value of a 1990 mobile home, consider the condition of these added features and how they compare to newer mobile home models.

1991 Mobile Home Value

Mobile homes from 1991 can still hold value, but like 1973 models, their worth can vary greatly depending on the specific make and model. Upgrades to features such as flooring, roofing, and plumbing may add value to homes from this year. It’s important to research similar models and compare market trends when determining the value of a 1991 mobile home.

1994 Mobile Home Value

Mobile homes from 1994 were built with updated features and may have a higher value than older models. Homes from this year may have better insulation, energy-efficient appliances, and double-pane windows. To determine the value of a 1994 mobile home, research the condition of these features and compare them to newer models.

1995 Mobile Home Value

Mobile homes from 1995 may have modern features and improvements that increase their value. These homes may have upgraded appliances, better insulation, and double-pane windows. When evaluating the value of a 1995 mobile home model, it’s important to factor in the condition of these features and compare them to newer models.

Evaluating Double Wide Mobile Home Value

Double wide mobile homes are manufactured homes that are twice the width of a standard single-wide mobile home. Due to their size and unique features, they have different considerations when it comes to determining their value. In this section, we will discuss the factors that impact the value of double wide mobile homes and provide you with information on how to assess their worth accurately.

The value of a double wide mobile home can vary depending on the age, condition, size, location, and specific features of the home. When evaluating the value of a double wide mobile home, it is essential to take these factors into account and compare them to similar homes in the area that have recently sold.

Factors That Impact Double Wide Mobile Home Value

Factors Description
Age The age of a double wide mobile home can significantly impact its value. Older homes may require more maintenance and be less energy-efficient, which can turn potential buyers away.
Condition The overall condition of a double wide mobile home can greatly impact its value. Homes that are well-maintained and have little to no damage will have a higher value compared to homes that require significant repairs.
Size The size of a double wide mobile home will impact its value. Larger homes tend to have a higher value than smaller homes.
Location The location of the double wide mobile home can have a significant impact on its value. Homes located in desirable areas, with good schools and amenities, will have a higher value compared to homes in less desirable locations.
Specific features Specific features of a double wide mobile home, such as extra bedrooms, updated appliances, or a large deck, can increase its value. Features that appeal to a wide range of buyers will generally increase the home’s value more.

When assessing the value of a double wide mobile home, it is essential to keep in mind these factors and compare them to similar homes that have sold recently in your area. Doing so will help you determine an accurate and fair price for your home.

Analyzing Single-Wide Mobile Home Value

Single-wide mobile homes are a popular type of mobile home that can vary in value. Understanding the factors that affect the value of single-wide mobile homes can help you make informed decisions about buying or selling.

Age and Condition

The age and condition of a single-wide mobile home are essential factors in determining its value. An older home that has not been well-maintained may have a lower value than a newer home that is in excellent condition. Even if the home has been well-cared for, wear and tear over time can still affect its value. Be sure to assess the condition of the home carefully when determining its worth.


The location of a single-wide mobile home can also impact its value. If the home is in a desirable location with access to amenities such as schools, shopping, and transportation, it may have a higher value. However, a home located in an area that is not sought-after may have a lower value.

Mobile Home Value Estimators

Mobile home value estimators can be helpful tools in determining the value of a single-wide mobile home. Several online resources provide free estimators that can give you an idea of what your home may be worth. However, keep in mind that these estimators may not always be accurate and should be used as a starting point only.

Trade-In Value

Single-wide mobile homes can also be traded in for a newer model. Understanding the trade-in value of your current home is crucial when making this decision. Some dealerships offer free mobile home trade-in value estimators that can provide an idea of what your home may be worth in a trade-in scenario.

Resource Description
NADA Guides A comprehensive guide to mobile home values that takes the age, condition, and location of the home into account.
Zillow A popular online real estate marketplace that provides free estimators for single-wide mobile homes.
Manufactured Home Values An online resource that provides free mobile home value estimators and resources for buying and selling mobile homes.

Remember to consider all the factors that affect the value of your single-wide mobile home when determining its worth. Utilize mobile home value estimators as a starting point, but seek out professional appraisals for a more accurate assessment.

Considering Older Mobile Homes

If you own an older mobile home, determining its value can be challenging due to its age and unique characteristics. In this section, we will provide you with some tips on how to assess the value of your older mobile home.

old mobile home

Challenges of Valuing Older Mobile Homes

When it comes to assessing the value of older mobile homes, several challenges arise. Mobile homes that are over 20 or 30 years old may require more maintenance and repairs, and their condition may affect their value significantly. Due to their age, some parts may become harder to replace, and some features may become outdated, which can also affect the value of the mobile home.

Assessing the Worth of Older Mobile Homes

When determining the value of older mobile homes, several factors come into play. These factors may include the age of the mobile home, its size, condition, location, and market demand. One way to assess the value of an older mobile home is to use a mobile home value estimator. However, keep in mind that the results may not be entirely accurate, and you may still need to inspect the mobile home carefully to ensure its value.

The value of older mobile homes may also depend on market demand. In some areas, older mobile homes may be in high demand due to their affordability and unique design. In contrast, in some cities, the demand for newer mobile homes may be high, affecting the value of older ones. Researching current market trends and comparable sales of mobile homes in your area can provide useful insights into the value of your older mobile home.

Valuing Older Mobile Homes

Year Average Value Factors That May Affect Value
1971 $3,000-$12,000 Condition, location, upgrades, and repairs needed.
1974 $4,000-$13,000 Age, location, condition, and market trends.
1976 $5,000-$14,000 Size, condition, location, upgrades, and repairs needed.
1978 $6,000-$15,000 Age, condition, location, and market trends.
1983 $7,000-$16,000 Size, condition, location, and upgrades made.

It is essential to keep your mobile home well-maintained, make necessary upgrades, and regularly evaluate its value to stay informed about its worth. By following the tips in this section, you can determine the value of your older mobile home accurately.

Mobile Home Valuations for Specific Years

If you are looking for specific information on the value of a mobile home from a particular year, this section is for you. We have compiled a breakdown of mobile home valuations for some of the most commonly searched years.

Year Average Value Factors Influencing Value
1982 $13,000 Age, condition, location, demand
1977 $5,000 Age, condition, location, demand
1986 $17,000 Age, condition, location, demand
1987 $18,000 Age, condition, location, demand
1989 $21,000 Age, condition, location, demand

Please note that these values are based on averages and do not take into account any specific features or conditions of individual mobile homes. It’s essential to use these values as a starting point and to utilize other resources to get a more accurate valuation of your mobile home.

To determine the value of your mobile home, consider utilizing mobile home value estimators or contacting mobile home dealers and appraisers for more information on current market demand.

Determining the Value of a Used Mobile Home

If you’re looking to buy or sell a used mobile home, it’s crucial to understand its value beforehand. Several factors impact the value of a used mobile home, including its age, condition, size, and location. Here are some steps to help determine the value of a used mobile home:

  1. Research the current market trends in the area where the mobile home is located. This information can provide insights into the demand for mobile homes in that area and the expected value.
  2. Consider the age of the mobile home. Generally, older mobile homes have a lower value compared to newer ones.
  3. Assess the condition of the mobile home, including any necessary repairs or upgrades that need to be made. Mobile homes in better condition tend to have a higher value.
  4. Determine the size of the mobile home. Single-wide mobile homes are typically less valuable than double-wide homes.
  5. Use online resources and mobile home value estimators to get a general idea of the value of the mobile home. However, be aware that these tools may not provide an accurate assessment of the mobile home’s value.

Ultimately, getting an accurate value for a used mobile home may require hiring an appraiser or consulting with a mobile home dealer. However, by following these steps, you can gain a better understanding of the mobile home’s value and negotiate fairly during the buying or selling process.

Mobile Home Trade-In Value

When it comes to trading in your mobile home, understanding its trade-in value is crucial. The trade-in value is the amount that a dealer is willing to give for your mobile home when you trade it in for another.

The trade-in value of your mobile home is influenced by several factors, including the model, make, age, condition, and location of the mobile home. To get an accurate trade-in value, it is recommended that you consult with a few dealers to compare their offers. This will give you a better idea of the fair market value of your mobile home.

Keep in mind that dealers will typically offer you less than the actual value of your mobile home in a private sale. This is because they factor in the expenses associated with preparing your mobile home for resale, including repairs and upgrades. Additionally, dealers need to make a profit on their sale to you, which is why it’s important to do your research and negotiate for a fair deal.

Tips for Negotiating a Fair Trade-In Value

  • Obtain multiple trade-in offers from different dealers for your mobile home to compare value and evaluate market trends.
  • Research the fair market value of your mobile home based on its make, model, age, and condition, using resources such as the NADA Guide, Kelley Blue Book, or other mobile home valuation websites.
  • Ensure your mobile home is in the best possible condition before trading it in. Consider making minor repairs and cosmetic upgrades to increase its overall value.
  • Negotiate the price offered by the dealer based on the value of comparable mobile homes for sale in your area and take the time to research the dealer’s reputation for fair trading.

Trade-In Value vs. Selling Price

It’s essential to understand the difference between trade-in value and selling price when it comes to mobile homes. The trade-in value is the amount the dealer is willing to offer for your mobile home if you trade it in for a new one, and it’s typically lower than its fair market value.

The selling price, on the other hand, is the amount you can expect to receive for your mobile home if you sell it privately. You can set the selling price based on the fair market value of your mobile home, and it’s typically higher than the trade-in value.

Resources for Mobile Home Valuation

Valuing a mobile home can be challenging, but there are several resources available to use. Here are some reliable resources and tools to help you determine the value of your mobile home:

Manufactured Home Appraisal Report

The Manufactured Home Appraisal Report (MHAR) is a report generated by a licensed appraiser that assesses the value of your mobile home. It considers factors like the location, condition, and age of your mobile home, and provides an official estimate. The appraisal fee varies depending on the appraiser and location.

National Appraisal Guides

The National Appraisal Guides provide a comprehensive database of mobile homes and their current market values. They offer free online appraisals based on the year, make, model, and size of your mobile home. The guides also provide a directory of licensed appraisers.


Zillow is a popular online real estate marketplace that provides estimates on the value of homes, including mobile homes. Zillow’s estimates are based on public data and are not official appraisals, but they can be useful in getting a general idea of your mobile home’s worth.

NADA Guides

NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) Guides offer detailed information on the values of various types of mobile homes. They also provide free online valuations based on the year, make, model, and size of your mobile home.

Your Local Realtor®

Your local Realtor® can provide insights and advice on the value of your mobile home based on their knowledge of the local market. They can also help you find licensed appraisers if needed.

By utilizing these resources, you can accurately determine the value of your mobile home and make informed decisions. Remember to regularly re-evaluate its value to stay informed and up-to-date.


Determining the value of your mobile home can be a daunting task. However, armed with the right knowledge and resources, you can accurately calculate its worth to make informed decisions. Remember, various factors such as age, size, condition, location, and market trends can significantly impact the value of your mobile home.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, including utilizing mobile home value estimators and researching comparable sales in your area, you can calculate the current market value of your mobile home. Don’t forget to regularly re-evaluate its value to stay informed of any changes and make informed decisions.

We hope this comprehensive guide has been helpful in answering your questions regarding mobile home values. If you require further assistance, resources are available to help you determine the value of your mobile home on your own.

Justin Becker

Justin Becker is a property owner in the state of Michigan and has a passion for managing communities. He owns both apartment complexes and mobile home communities and has been writing his own blogs for his properties for several years.

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